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Feb 25, 2024

New Name

New Name

Passage: Genesis 17:1-7

Speaker: Rev. Rafe Vigil

Part of the gift of a covenant relationship with God is a new life. This is symbolized in scripture with a new name, Abram becomes Abraham, Simon becomes Peter, Saul becomes Paul. This reflects a transformed life. Do we see God’s love as transformative or simply some ‘divine” help when we need it? All too often we only pray for God to “fix it”, whatever the ‘it’ is. This prayer keeps everything on our agenda, the way we want it. When we cry out to God for help, can we dare to pray for transformative love? God’s love is so big, that it transforms us, renews life, and gives us a new name. The name ‘Christian’ marks a transformed life and a covenant relationship with the savior.