One Worship Gathering - Continued for the Fall

We return to two worship gatherings later this Fall!


Online Worship Gatherings

Each Sunday Harvest offers two worship gatherings at 9:00 or 10:35 AM. We invite everyone, whether joining worship online or in-person, to take time 10 minutes prior to each gathering to pray and prepare hearts and minds, to quiet the noises that distract us from being present in worship.

The 9:00 AM gathering is designed to engage worshipers who connect with God through time-honored creeds and hymns. Our 10:35 AM  worship service is designed to gather and encourage worshipers who find a meaningful worship experience through one led by a praise band. Both gatherings include hearing an inspirational message that call us to put are faith into action and celebrate Communion. The Communion table is open to all who want to participate. Coming to Christ’s table every week demonstrates to us how much God loves us, and it’s an opportunity to give thanks and for God to do a transformative work in us.

All are welcome regardless of where you are in life and your faith journey.

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     HARVEST KIDS (Pre-k thru Grade 5)                          Harvest Youth (Grade 6 thru 12)