Harvests Kids' Mission
Harvests Kids’ ministry shares a mission with the larger church of helping grow disciples of Jesus Christ who will then serve and love others in a reflective manner of Christ’s example.
HARVEST Kids' Worship
Harvest Kids meet at 9 AM and 10:35 AM every Sunday unless otherwise communicated.
Each week, Harvest Kids check-in in front of the main worship space at the designated desk. Parents will receive a tag for pick up at this time. Kids are invited to sit with their parents for the first part of the worship service until a special Harvest Kids Moment. Some weeks we may invite the kids to come to the platform (they may be on camera), other weeks we may have them stay with you in their seats.
Following the Harvest Kids Moment, the kids will meet Mrs. Hannah and our Sunday School team in the back of the worship space. We will double check that everyone has been checked in correctly before heading to our Sunday School.
We prioritize acceptance, unconditional love, and the safety of the children who join us on Sunday mornings. Sunday mornings are designed to be safe, fun, and to form faith in children. First-time guests and weekly students are welcomed and introduced to God's word through scripture readings, story time, song, and interactive play.
We look to offer at least one consistent adult that your child sees and works with weekly (or whenever you and your family can attend), getting to know your child in a meaningful and supportive way. This intentionally provides an additional Christian adult in your children’s lives that can offer consistent counsel and support in faith and life.
Harvest Kids’ Theology
Our aim is for your child to know that they can have a personal relationship with God and that they are part of God’s larger story. God can and will use them right now, just as they are, to help serve others and do the work of the church.
Preschool Focus:
- God loves me.
- God made me.
- Jesus wants to be my forever friend.
Elementary Focus
- I can trust God no matter what.
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated.
- I need to make wise choices and knowing God helps me do that
Programs for Kids
You are invited to check out these programs happening at Harvest on Thursdays of each month. Whether you attend Harvest or worship elsewhere, you are welcome to enroll your child/children in these amazing programs.

Volunteer with Harvest Kids
Each Sunday morning you can serve with kids (newborn to 5th grade) at our 9 or 10:35 AM worship gathering (10 AM during the summer worship schedule). The lessons are already planned so you get to have fun and share God’s love. Your commitment to our little ones helps them develop a personal relationship with God and let's them know that they are loved just the way God made them. By signing up to serve with Harvest Kids you are also helping kids in their early faith formation and enriching your own spiritual connection.
Harvest Kids' Resources
SIGN UP FOR HARVEST KIDS Email or Monthly Mailer HERE!
Ministry Contact: Hannah Stelter