TuesdayLIVE! is a Women's Outreach Ministry of Harvest for women of all ages and life stages. No matter where you are in your faith journey, if you live near or far, are new to Harvest, or have been attending for some time, you are invited to attend and encouraged to bring a friend!

2025 Spring Semester

Beginning February 4, the women of TuesdayLive! will be studying "Surrendered", 'Letting Go & Living Like Jesus', by Barb Roose. Participants will be given your book and study materials when you arrive on the first day. (All materials are included in registration fee of $35.) Please note - there will be an opportunity for you to give an additional amount to help defer costs and to assist with scholarship funds. Registration is now open!

Registration Here

Leadership Team

Here is the TuesdayLive! leadership team:


TuesdayLIVE! was founded in 2004, the brainchild of a few dedicated women who recognized the need to build and grow a community of faith-filled women. These founding ladies desired to create an atmosphere emphasizing multi-generational participants and inclusiveness. Everyone was welcome, regardless of where they were on their faith journey. Above all, they wanted TuesdayLIVE! to be a place where women felt supported and loved by each other.

The first meeting of TuesdayLIVE! with 13 ladies present occurred in September 2004. In addition to the Bible study and fellowship, TuesdayLIVE! also wished to reach out to the community and provide services to local charities. From the beginning, TuesdayLIVE! has been about community, study, personal and communal growth, and action. The name " TuesdayLIVE! was selected to emphasize that scripture is ALIVE. TuesdayLIVE! has also found ways to support Harvest's vision, mission, and other ministries within our church.

Almost twenty years later, TuesdayLIVE! has grown into one of Harvest's largest ministries, with a typical attendance of over 100 women. Although some things may look very different from those early days, certain things about TuesdayLIVE! will never change. Love God. Love one another. Create an atmosphere of inclusion. Encourage women of all generations to participate. Grow women where they are in their faith. Support our community with mission and outreach service projects. Be an extension of and representative of Harvest United Methodist Church.

Mission Statement
  • Promote the spiritual growth of women through regular study, discussion, and understanding of scripture,
  • Support mission causes in the community through our time, talents, and resources, and
  • Engage in intentional fellowship with encouragement, love, and support of one another.


Questions? Email:   or call the Harvest office at 941-907-7333.
